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connect us with our creative wisdom.

Sole Rueda | Expresión en libertad
Sole Rueda | Expresión en libertad
Artes Expresivas

They bring us deeper knowledge.
They show us new possibilities.
They invite us to transform ourselves and find well-being.

¿What are 







They are a discipline that combines visual arts, movement, music, writing, drama and other creative processes with the intention to deepen the artistic experience and generate personal, group and community growth and well-being.


What do they include?

artes visuales.webp

Visual Arts

Painting, drawing, collage, clay, mandalas.

fondo-abstracto-arco-iris web.webp


Dance, authentic movement, yoga.

xilofono-arreglo-notas-musicales web.webp


With instruments, singing, listening. 

vista-superior-papeleria-regreso-escuela-cuaderno web.webp


Journaling, creative writing, poetry.



Improvisation,  performance, storytelling.

meditación okok.webp

And also

Meditations, visualizations, ceremonies, rituals and nature.

alta 2.webp

How does it work?

The invitation to work with the Expressive Arts is to immerse oneself in the CREATIVE PROCESS, through artistic experiences that require LOW TECHNIQUE and HIGH SENSITIVITY.  


The process is more important than the result.

There is no interpretation, criticism or judgment of what has been created.

There are no possible mistakes.


In this work, the different artistic languages are connected. The expression of one artistic discipline stimulates and nourishes the other discipline. The arts become "intertwined" and allow the creative experience to deepen.


For example, music liberates movement. Movement awakens painting. Writing allows reflection and understanding of messages.


Finally, sharing and witnessing other processes, with full presence and empathy, brings the gift of being seen and heard.


Main benefits


All human beings can CREATE, since we are born. 

Creativity connects us to a positive power and inner wisdom we can all access.

Working with the Expressive Arts can bring us several benefits:

Sole Rueda | Expresión en libertad

Allows to express and process emotions in a non-verbal way

Promotes calm and relaxation, relieving stress.

Requires full attention to the present moment, focusing and calming the mind and relaxing the body.

Develops confidence and self-esteem, bringing a sense of accomplishment and recognition of contributions and abilities.

Connects us with people of similar interests and develops collaboration, a sense of community and shared experience.

Exploring with imagination through play brings us joy, pleasure and fulfillment.

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