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Sole Rueda | Expresión en libertad



Experiences specifically designed for educational institutions, oriented to both students and teachers, to use Expressive Arts as a tool to promote creativity, the ability to innovate and find new perspectives, and the development of individual, group and community well-being.


Schools where Sole worked with Expressive Arts:


  • The Global School (Pablo Nogués, Buenos Aires). Sole has been part of the school's staff since 2019 and facilitates "Creativity Lab" workshops as part of the High School curriculum.

  • Saint Andrews Scottish School (Olivos, Buenos Aires),

  • Southern Cross (San Fernando, Buenos Aires),

  • Blooming Kindergarten (San Fernando, Buenos Aires),

  • Escuela del Sol (San Martin de los Andes).


Corporate and Private Events


Experiences are specifically designed for organizations or private groups, depending on the objectives to be achieved.


These may be:


  • To promote teamwork, empathy and collaboration.

  • To enhance creativity and imagination.

  • To search for new paths and innovative perspectives

  • To seek participants' well-being, lowering their stress level, increasing their motivation and commitment.

  • To raise awareness on a specific topic

  • To foster integration and community building.

  • Creative celebrations like birthdays, end of the year, etc.


Talks and Trainings

  • Educational lectures on the theoretical and practical field of Expressive Arts.

  • Professional Development Training to integrate the application of Expressive Arts in different fields of work (health, education, the social area, etc.).

These trainings are designed according to specific needs. They can be on-site or online.

"The Expressive Arts in a school setting are invaluable for several reasons. Adolescents have a hard time expressing their feelings in a world that conditions them to fulfill certain roles. The impact of Sole's workshop is to give them a space where they can interact without pressure, and without being judged. This is something that is not often found. In this space they can express freely who they are, and they can show their feelings in a non-verbal way. It's a wonderful process where they feel Sole's support, and through art, they can let things come out that otherwise wouldn't."

Gabriel Rshaid, Principal of The Global School


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