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Sobre mi

Intuitive artist, consultant and facilitator of Expressive Arts.

This is the story of how I got into the world of Art.

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I always loved to paint and create with my hands. Since I was a little girl, I painted everything I found in my, trays, plates, walls, fabrics.... it was, and still is, a beautiful game for me.


As I was growing up, I started to adapt myself to external and internal demands.

I studied Business Administration at the Universidad de San Andrés and I worked for Procter & Gamble and Falabella.


I enjoyed the corporate world and learned a lot, but deep down I was always looking for "something more"...which I didn't quite know what it was.


In constant search, I embarked on a journey through Asia, and ended up settling on a little beach in Thailand, as lost as I was, where I realized that what I was looking for was myself, my own voice.


Then, I started to listen.

Sole Rueda | Expresión en libertad
Sole Rueda | Expresión en libertad
Sole Rueda | Expresión en libertad

Intuitively I came up with mandalas, which helped me return to my center. At that moment I understood that in the painting there was something very deep, that I could not yet understand, but it was something that had helped me to feel better and return to myself. My therapist recommended I go to a special place in this world, for healing and enjoyment, so I arrived at the Esalen Institute in California, where I met my first teacher, Michele Cassou, who taught me the theory of what I was already doing intuitively, "The Creative Painting Process & The Point Zero Method".


 I participated in several of her workshops and also her "Teacher Training". I was fortunate to paint with Stewart Cubley, another great teacher, in "The Painting Experience". Together with them I opened up and freely explored my creative potential, and realized that it was much bigger than what I thought, and more importantly, that my life depended on what I wanted to CREATE.

I did a Vipassana silent retreat for several days, and began to practice yoga and meditation regularly. There, immersed in an incredible nature and far from all the conditioning that weighed me down, I began to paint with my heart and to play, feeling free again... like when I was a little girl. And I felt closer to myself, to Sole, whom I was looking for.


When I returned from that journey, I became depressed.


I couldn't find the way and many of the things that had moved me before lost all meaning for me. The only thing that moved me to get up was... PAINTING. Grateful to be supported by my family, I could dedicate myself to seeking my well-being. So that's what I did, I painted and painted.

Sole Rueda | Expresión en libertad
Sole Rueda | Expresión en libertad
Sole Rueda | Expresión en libertad
Sole Rueda | Expresión en libertad
Sole Rueda | Expresión en libertad

I expanded my field of experimentation and studied Yoga (Yoga Barn, Bali and Yogabaires, Buenos Aires), Mindfulness (Dipabhavan Center, Thailand and Esalen, California, MBSR),  Soul Motion (Vinn Arjuna Marti) and 5 Rhythms (Jonathan Horan, Kelly Satz, Brenda Cohen).


Naturally, I began to "mix" the different artistic languages that I practiced, because I felt that the creative process became more and more interesting and also deepened. One day I finally found the wonderful world of "Expressive Arts", a vast theoretical and practical field, "unknown" to me until that moment, even though it was what I had been practicing intuitively for years. Now I believe that Expressive Arts are something natural for all human beings, not only for those who have a certain "tendency" towards the arts.

Amazed by the possibilities opened to me by Expressive Arts, I dedicated myself to looking deeper into the field. I did a 2-year postgraduate “Certificate in Intermodal Expressive Arts” at the Expressive Arts Florida Institute in the USA. Since I love studying and researching through the arts, I am pursuing an M.A. in "Coaching and Education in Expressive Arts" at the European Graduate School in Saas Fee, Switzerland. These studies have helped me to integrate myself as a professional and to deeply understand the path I have been creating for my life, many times without clearly seeing where I was going.

In addition to enjoying my creative exploration and research, for the past 10 years, I have been designing and facilitating experiences where I intertwine Intuitive Painting, Movement, Meditation, Writing, Music, and other creative processes for children and adults in different contexts to share and expand the incredible transformative power of the Arts.

Sole Rueda | Expresión en libertad
Sole Rueda | Expresión en libertad
Sole Rueda | Expresión en libertad

In 2022 I opened my creative studio in El Atelier Centro Cultural, a community of artists in Olivos, Buenos Aires, Argentina, where I share my work and continue to search for answers to my questions, always through the arts.

I invite you to visit me!
I believe that we are all creative by nature, and creativity connects us to an inner wisdom of infinite possibilities.
I am passionate about creating spaces to accompany others to discover the treasures that we can all access, thanks to the magic of working with Expressive Arts.

Shall we look for these treasures together?

Summary of my career

  • High School Diploma specializing in Education. María Auxiliadora Institute. Buenos Aires, Argentina.

  • B.A. in Business Administration. University of San Andres. Buenos Aires, Argentina.

  • Procter&Gamble. Marketing Area, Pampers and Pantene.

  • Falabella. Buyer, Sybilla Apparel.

  • Art workshops: Olga Cerruti, Emiliano Sánchez Sosa, Ago Paez Vilaró "Mandalas School", Liana Lestard, Beatriz Finocchietti.

  • Intuitive Painting: "Creative Painting Process & The Point Zero Method" Esalen Institute (California, USA), "Creativity Rediscovered" (Taos, New Mexico, USA), "Teacher Development for Intuitive Painting" (San Francisco, USA) with Michele Cassau.

  • "The Painting Experience", "The Principles of Process Arts Facilitator's Training Course" with Stewart Cubley (online).

  • Movement: Yoga (Yoga Barn, Bali and Yogabaires, Buenos Aires), Soul Motion (Vinn Arjuna Marti, Buenos Aires), 5 Rhythms (Jonathan Horan, Kelly Satz, Silvia Tomcik, Brenda Cohen, Buenos Aires).​

  • Meditation: Vipassana (Dipabhavan Center, Thailand), Mindfulness with Shauna Shapiro (Esalen, California, USA), MBSR (Mindfulness and Health Society, Bs As, Arg).

  • Casa Sol Art Atelier, San Isidro, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

  • Postgraduate Certificate in Intermodal Expressive Arts "Expressive Arts Florida Institute" (Florida, USA)

  • Art Studio at "Atelier Centro Cultural", Buenos Aires, Argentina.

  • Facilitator of Expressive Arts Workshops for children and adults since 2013, Southern Cross School, Blooming Kindergarten, Escuela del Sol San Martín de los Andes, Saint Andrew’s Scot School, Fundación FORO for Mental Health, etc.

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